文澜学术系列讲座 第三期


主题:Expropriations and Foreign Direct Investment in a Positive Economic Theory of Foreign Aid

主讲人:Yi Jin, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Monash University

主持人:帅杰, 副教授, 金沙集团3354cm 金沙集团3354cm

时间: 2015918日(周五)下午300-415

地点:南湖校区 文波楼204


Yi JinUniversity of Iowa 博士; 现担任澳大利亚University of Monash Senior Lecturer;主要研究方向为宏观经济学、货币经济学、国际经济学和发展经济学。曾在Journal of International Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Housing Economics, Review of Economic Dynamic, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Economics, Economics Letters等杂志发表数十篇论文。并担任国际顶尖期刊如Journal of Political Economy, Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review等的匿名审稿人。


This paper articulates a positive economic theory of foreign aid and presents a novel analysis of the nexus between institutions, foreign direct investment (FDI), and aid. In the model aid is motivated by non-altruistic economic considerations, namely the desire of the donor to protect FDI from expropriation. We first identify the conditions under which aid will be granted and characterize how the quantity of aid varies with the host country’s development stage. We then endogenize the host countrys institutions and identify the conditions under which institutional reform (adoption of a commitment technology) will be carried out, as well as the conditions that give rise to an expropriation trap--a situation where neither will the host country reform its institutions voluntarily nor will the donor provide incentives for the institutional reform.